Dr. Gregory Kirk
Dr. Gregory Kirk is a HIMS psychiatrist in Denver, Las Vegas, and Salt Lake City and is Board-Certified by the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry in Adult Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry. You can make Aviation Psychiatry appointments on this page.
Dr. Kirk’s specialty in Aviation Psychiatry is in the assessment of complex medical certification cases. He is licensed in Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah and sees a few hundred pilots per year in Denver, Las Vegas and Salt Lake City clinics. He works with most regional carriers operating in the Midwest and West and, nationwide, with every legacy carrier, the main cargo operators, and all unions. Dr. Kirk also evaluates military pilots who have or are expected to have service-connected disabilities.
Away from aviation, Dr. Kirk evaluates and treats players in the National Basketball Association and the National Football League and is an expert in unanticipated deaths and injuries associated with drugs, alcohol, behavioral disorders, and mental illness.
Denver Appointments
Las Vegas Appointments
Dr. Kirk’s Las Vegas office is located in Town Square Las Vegas, across Las Vegas Boulevard from Harry Reid International Airport.
Salt Lake City Appointments
Dr. Kirk’s Office in Salt Lake City is Downtown, 16 minutes from Salt Lake City Airport on the Green Line UTA Light Rail.